Beyblade Tyson

dadasdad.jpg picture by AndreiMessi

Name: Tyson 50df3f15.jpg image by AndreiMessi

Age: 15

Beyblade: Dragoon MS

Bit Beast: Dragoon

Team Mates: Max, Kai, Ray, Kenny, Daichi, Hilary.

Team Name: BBA Revolution

Information: Tyson is a confident and spiritual Beyblader and has the title of world champion after defeating Tala. He however is part stubborn and get himself into more trouble than most teenage boys!

When playing Beyblade Tyson acts like an aggressive leader to his opponent’s showing no mercy but sometimes he may get too confident and weaken himself and his Beyblade!

Tyson best buddies is Max who he met in the first episode, his rival is Kai even though they are on the same “Blading” Team, and his older brother Hiro coaches the team (in G-Revolution).

Tyson also like eating tons of food, he hates bullies, people trying to prove that they are better than him and people acting mature for his age.

His Bit Beast Dragoon uses the power of wind (air) to create tornadoes and hurricanes then throw it on the opponent and send them flying out the dish!

beyblade_1.jpg picture by AndreiMessi

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